
Soybean Planting Decision Tool

Soybean Planting Decision Tool
Choosing soybean maturities and when to plant soybeans are two critical decisions that farmers make each year. Typically, soybean variety selection occurs months before soybean planting occurs. An added complexity in the decision making is the weather conditions at the time of planting. Each year farmers are faced with the decision of planting into marginal conditions or the potential of late planting. Also, spring and early season weather sometimes forces farmers to replant soybeans later than ideal planting windows.

Using the Soybean Planting Decision Tool to Help Make Planting Date and Maturity Selection

April 15, 2015
Relative soybean yield by planting date from Soybean Planting Decision tool

By Mark Licht, Ranae Dietzel and Sotirios Archontoulis, Department of Agronomy

Determining when to plant soybeans and selecting variety maturities are two critical decisions that Iowa farmers make each year. These two decisions greatly affect yield potential and economic return. Typically, soybean variety selection occurs months before soybean planting occurs. An added complexity is current weather conditions at the time of planting.
