
Considerations for No-Till and High-Residue Fields in a Predicted Dry Season

April 1, 2021 1:17 PM
Blog Post

Spring planting season may come with added challenges as growers continue to deal with the effects of last August’s derecho event. Many fields through central Iowa were riddled with downed corn, and while some fields were able to be partially harvested, others were damaged so severely that growers had no choice but to till them under without harvesting any grain. In either case, there will be higher than normal residue levels in these fields this spring.


Starter Fertilization Sometimes Boosts Corn Yield

March 20, 2015
how corn has responded to starter application

By Antonio P. Mallarino, Department of Agronomy

When Is Starter Fertilizer Beneficial?

Starter fertilizer can be used to complement pre-plant fertilization of crops to increase yield and economic returns to production. However, its use will not be beneficial in all production conditions.
