
Delay Manure Applications if you Want to Cut Your Nitrogen Bill

October 9, 2023
Applying fertilizer to a field.

Harvest has taken off in recent weeks as crops are quickly drying down. The open fields are tempting manure applicators to get started on their manure applications; however, it is worthwhile to pause and consider the fertilizer value that is given up when manure is applied to warm soils.

What is the value and cost of manure?

Manure Management Concerns Caused By Recent Wet Weather

May 29, 2013

By Angela Rieck-Hinz, Department of Agronomy and Daniel Andersen, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

The wet spring has raised many concerns about manure management for Iowa crop and livestock farmers.  The following is a quick list of issues and possible responses to the issues.  Farmers are encouraged to contact their local ISU Extension and Outreach ag engineer, field agronomist or livestock specialist, or the local DNR field office for additional information and assistance.


Residue management and manure application

Encyclopedia Article

For producers using conservation tillage or no-till, it's important that every field operation leaves the maximum amount of residue cover on the soil surface. As a reminder, conservation tillage is defined as any tillage practice that would leave a residue cover over the soil surface of at least 30 percent or more.
