
Wondering if plant-parasitic nematodes are the cause of stunted, yellow corn?

June 16, 2023
Discolored and stunted corn roots heavily infected with the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus spp.

Plant-parasitic nematodes that feed on corn are relatively common in Iowa, but their presence in fields does not mean that damage and yield loss are occurring. The number of nematodes necessary to damage corn varies greatly among different nematode species, and the potential for yield loss can only be assessed by determining the types and numbers of nematodes present in a field. This article explains how to sample corn fields to determine if nematodes are causing damage and likely to reduce corn yields. Management options for nematodes on corn also are listed in the article.


Checking Corn Fields for Damaging Levels of Nematodes

June 5, 2020

Most Iowa corn fields have several different species of plant-parasitic nematodes present at low numbers. It’s only when numbers occur at damaging levels that symptoms appear and damage occurs. The potential for plant-parasitic nematodes that feed on corn to cause yield reductions warrants attention. This article discusses when and how to sample for plant-parasitic nematodes that can damage corn.


Pine Wilt

In this video Ed Zaworski of the ISU Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic discusses pine wilt and shares tips and management practices. Check out their website: https://hortnews.extension.iastate.ed... Pine wilt causes rapid wilting and dying of pine trees, particularly Scots (Scotch) pines.

It’s Time to Think About Sampling for Nematodes that Feed on Corn

June 6, 2019

It’s time to turn thoughts towards nematodes that feed on corn! It is very common for Iowa corn fields to have several different species of plant-parasitic nematodes present at low numbers. It’s only when numbers are present at damaging levels that symptoms of injury will appear. This article discusses when and how to sample for plant-parasitic nematodes that can damage corn.
