
Using the Late Spring Soil Nitrate Test in 2022

June 7, 2022
Nitrogen management chart.

This year, corn planting was delayed due to an unseasonably cold spring, and at this time corn growth stage ranges mostly from the V2 to V6 across the state. Many producers had doubts concerning preplant nitrogen (N) application due to high N fertilizer prices, and now some are wondering about possible in-season diagnostic tools to assess a potential need for supplemental in-season N application.


Sampling for the End-of-Season Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

September 4, 2019 8:35 AM
Blog Post

Sampling corn stalks this fall will likely be later than normal due to the delayed planting in many Iowa cornfields. The overall suggestion is to wait until crop maturity, and sample within 1-3 weeks after kernel black layer. This does not work well for silage corn, so the suggestion is to collect stalk samples at the time of silage harvest or within 24 hours after harvest (as long as no rain between harvest and sampling).


A Late Spring - Nitrogen Considerations

April 17, 2018

Winter seems to be never ending, and spring not arriving. This could lead to a compressed period for field work before corn planting begins. There are conversations underway about switching planned spring preplant anhydrous ammonia to another nitrogen (N) product like urea-ammonium nitrate solution (28 or 32% UAN) or granulated urea. And likely discussions about changing from preplant to sidedress applications. What should be considered?
