
Weedy Amaranthus Quiz II

June 21, 2017 12:33 PM
Blog Post

The six weedy Amaranthus species at the weed garden have grown quite a bit, but I'm not sure how much easier it is to differentiate a few of the species. The six pigweeds are Palmer, Powell's and spiny amaranth, waterhemp, and redroot and tumble pigweed (not in that order!!). The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate how easy it would be to overlook Palmer amaranth in fields if time isn't taken to make sure exactly what Amaranthus you're dealing with. Scroll to the bottom to find the answers.


Managing Palmer Amaranth in Conservation Plantings

September 9, 2016
Palmer Amaranth photo

Discoveries of Palmer amaranth in conservation plantings have created the need to develop management plans to reduce the likelihood of movement of the weed into crop fields (Figure 1). Reducing or preventing Palmer amaranth seed production should be a high priority. The maturity of Palmer amaranth varies considerably in the fields we have observed.  While it is likely that some viable seed is already present, the amount of seed produced can still be dramatically reduced with appropriate control measures.


Is it Palmer Amaranth?

June 4, 2013
Palmer amaranth shrub

By Bob Hartzler and Mike Owen, Department of Agronomy

Numerous weedy species in the pigweed family (Amaranthaceae) are found across Iowa, including waterhemp, redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed, Powell amaranth and others. At this time, Palmer amaranth has not been confirmed in the state, but because of its presence in surrounding states we suspect it may be here, or will appear in the near future (see April 24 ICM article).
