
Are Roundup Ready weeds in your future?

Encyclopedia Article

The rapid adoption of Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans has grabbed the attention of persons involved directly and indirectly in agriculture. Approximately 27 million acres of RR soybeans were planted in 1998, and the acreage committed to this technology is expected to increase as RR corn becomes more widely available. Rapid shifts in herbicide use patterns are not new - Pursuit captured 75% of the Iowa soybean market in less than five years. However, the potential for RR crops to dominate both the corn and soybean herbicide markets does make this a somewhat unique situation.


Improving glyphosate performance in Roundup Ready soybean

July 3, 2008

By Bob Hartzler, Department of Agronomy

Although glyphosate resistant weeds have been documented in states surrounding Iowa, at this time our only confirmed glyphosate-resistant species is horseweed/marestail (Conyza canadensis).  However, over the past decade we have selected for a weed spectrum that possesses a higher level of tolerance than was present at the start of the Roundup Ready era of weed management.  Because of this, glyphosate control failures are more common now than they were ten years ago.
