
It’s Time to Think About Sampling for Nematodes that Feed on Corn

June 6, 2019

It’s time to turn thoughts towards nematodes that feed on corn! It is very common for Iowa corn fields to have several different species of plant-parasitic nematodes present at low numbers. It’s only when numbers are present at damaging levels that symptoms of injury will appear. This article discusses when and how to sample for plant-parasitic nematodes that can damage corn.


What’s the Situation with SCN in Your Fields?

October 31, 2016
SCN in fields image

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is capable of causing serious yield loss on soybeans every year. Back in the “good ole days,” a farmer was “good to go” with SCN management if he or she knew what fields were infested with the nematode and then grew SCN-resistant soybean varieties in rotation with the nonhost crop corn. Nowadays, things are more complicated. SCN numbers may be building up and causing increased yield loss and the buildup can go unrecognized because a soybean crop often does not appear stressed above ground, even though yield loss is occurring. This article explains why this SCN numbers might be building up in your fields and how to check.


Get to the Root of the Problem: An Easy Way to Check for SCN

June 3, 2015
SCN females on soybean root

By Greg Tylka, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology

After 35 years, SCN continues to be the most damaging pathogen of soybeans in Iowa and the Midwest. Digging soybean roots to check for the presence of SCN females is an easy and effective way to scout for this serious pest.
