
Planting with Seedling Diseases and Low Germination Rates

March 29, 2019
Diaporthe can infect seeds, causing deformities in soybean seed and reduced germination.

You know what they say: March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.

Well, it certainly feels like this past winter was just one extended lion. While there were signs that maybe Iowa would be seeing greener pastures, that has not been the case, especially for farmers who have experienced flooding this past month. With the recent incidents and resulting disaster proclamations, as well as lost grain storage, the idea of farming greener pastures has a long way until fruition.


2015 Evaluation of Commercial Seed Treatments on Soybean at Three Locations in Iowa

April 4, 2016
ICM seed treatments tables

The percentage of soybean treated with a seed treatment has increased greatly in recent years. Over the past five growing season, the Robertson lab has evaluated the effect of commercial seed treatments on stand count, disease incidence and severity, and yield of soybean with funding provided by Iowa Soybean Association.
