
Considerations for Spring Preplant Nitrogen Application for Corn with High Fertilizer Prices

April 5, 2022

While many farmers already applied nitrogen (N) for corn last fall, others are getting ready for spring preplant applications. Although the fertilizer supply has improved compared with last fall, the prices of N fertilizers have not changed much and are much higher than normal. And, while cash corn grain prices have increased in recent weeks, they are expected to decline later in the summer and the fall. Therefore, this situation warrants a careful review of N fertilization plans.


Spring Forage Fertilization Considerations

April 1, 2020

Fertilization is just as important for forages as it is for row crops to maximize productivity. This article addresses spring fertilization considerations for forage crops and pastures.

Nitrogen considerations

Nitrogen (N) applications can either be a one-time, annual application or can be split applied. Suggested N application rates for single application are in Table 1 and rates for split applications are in Table 2.

Table 1. Suggested N application rates for a single annual application


A Late Spring - Nitrogen Considerations

April 17, 2018

Winter seems to be never ending, and spring not arriving. This could lead to a compressed period for field work before corn planting begins. There are conversations underway about switching planned spring preplant anhydrous ammonia to another nitrogen (N) product like urea-ammonium nitrate solution (28 or 32% UAN) or granulated urea. And likely discussions about changing from preplant to sidedress applications. What should be considered?
