
Stalk Borers Moving in Southern Iowa

May 31, 2016
Stalk Borer photo

Tracking degree days is a useful tool to estimate when common stalk borer larvae begin moving into cornfields from their overwintering hosts. Foliar applications, if needed, are only effective when larvae are migrating and exposed. Start scouting corn for larvae when 1,300-1,400 degree days (base 41°F) have accumulated. Southern Iowa counties reached this important temperature benchmark over the holiday weekend (Fig. 1), and therefore scouting for migrating larvae should begin now to make timely treatment decisions.


Stalk Borers Set to Invade Border Rows

June 9, 2008
Image of stalk borer damage to border rows

By Marlin Rice and Rich Pope, Department of Entomology

Stalk borers are notorious for killing or stunting corn rows next to fences, grassed waterways and conservation terraces. To stop this damage, fields must be scouted and an insecticide applied on a timely basis before the larvae have an opportunity to tunnel into the growing point of the young plants.
