Buffalobur Solanum rostratum L.
Family: Solanaceae (Nightshade family)
Life cycle: Annual
Habitat: Overgrazed pastures, crop fields, waste areas
Native status: Native to great plains of North America
General description: Erect with ascending branches, reaching heights of 2-3 ft. Stems densely covered with 1/3” long yellow spines. Leaves with deep, rounded lobes; spines developing on upper and lower leaf veins. Flowers with 5 fused, bright yellow petals.
Key ID traits: Deeply lobed, ‘wrinkled’ leaves with spines developing on veins. Yellow flowers.
Miscellaneous: Common name alludes to the plant’s presence around bison wallows where the native vegetation had been eliminated. Buffalobur was the host plant to the Colorado potato beetle before introduction of potato to North America.