Professor of Integrated Cropping Systems
Cropping systems, Modeling, Decision support tools
Brent and Cindy Hart Professor, Professor in the Department of Ag and Biosystems Engineering
Agricultural water management, Drainage, Engineering
Professor, Extension Entomologist Specialist , ANR Crops Team Leader
Crop protection, Insects, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Associate Professor, Extension Cropping Systems Specialist
Cropping systems, Cover crops, Corn and soybean management
Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management, Extension Specialist
Soil fertility, Nutrient management
Professor, Extension Plant Pathologist
Field crop diseases, Plant pathology, Crop protection
Professor of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Extension Field Crops Pathologist
Plant pathology, Corn diseases, Crop protection
Assistant Professor, Extension Nitrogen Science and Soil Fertility Specialist
nitrogen, sulfur, Soil fertility and nutrient management
Morrill Professor, Nematologist, Director of the Iowa Soybean Research Center
Plant nematology, Soybean diseases
Field Agronomist in Central Iowa
Weed management, Corn and soybean management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Extension Entomologist, Honey Bees and Native Bees
Honey bees, Native bees, and Pollinators
Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Specialist II
Entomology, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Plant Disease Diagnostician
plant disease, plant diagnostics, plant-parasitic nematodes
On-Farm Research and Extension Coordinator - Iowa Soybean Research Center, Education Extension Specialist III
Crop management, Crop protection, Agronomy
Field Agronomist in NE Iowa
Agronomy, Crop management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Field Agronomist in SE Iowa
Agronomy, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Crop management
Field Agronomist in NW Iowa
Corn and soybean management, pest management, Soil fertility
Field Agronomist in EC Iowa
Agronomy, Crop management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Specialist I
Agricultural Climatology