Carpetweed Mollugo verticillata L.
Family: Molluginaceae (Carpetweed family)
Life cycle: Annual
Habitat: Ornamental beds, gardens, waste areas
Native status: Native to North America
General description: Prostrate stems up to 16 inches long, forming circular mat. Whorled leaves, typically 5 to 6 per node, oblanceolate to spatulate, up to 1.5 in long, glabrous, and with one prominent vein. Small, white flowers with five petals produced at nodes.
Key ID traits: Glabrous stems and leaves; whorled leaves.
Similar species: Catchweed bedstraw has a similar growth habit, but stems and leaves of bedstraw have bristly hairs. Bedstraw flowers have four petals versus five for carpetweed, and bedstraw is a winter annual.